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Cunnilingus:  Going Down on Her

Cunnilingus: Going Down on Her

I find it fascinating when discussing sex repertoire with people (couples and singles) the number of women who report oral sex does nothing for her. I use this as an opportunity to explore relationship dynamics and techniques being used. More often than not, the...
Talking about Sex

Talking about Sex

People do not know how to talk about sex. I work with couples (and individuals for that matter) who often report an inability to talk about sex. This is one of the first things I notice in my practice as a sex therapist – the lack of language and comfort in talking...
COVID, Sex and Intimacy

COVID, Sex and Intimacy

What a year 2020 is turning out to be. One minute I am flying around Australia and overseas to present workshops and attend conferences and next I am in my apartment in Melbourne – being outside for one hour per day. In Melbourne, we have stage four lock-down – this...